Table of Icons and Menu Items

The following table lists the available icons and menu items along with their functions. Most items will be described in more detail in future sections of this book. Note that on Mac OS X systems, the Equivalent Key modifier is the Command key, not the Control key.

Icon Name Menu Path Purpose Keystroke
i_new.tif New File=>New Create a new molecule (per submenu selection).
Create Mol. Group
Create a new (one-member) molecule group as an empty View window. Ctrl-N
Add to Mol. Group
Add a new molecule to the current molecule group. Ctrl-Shift-N
i_open.tif Open File=>Open Open files supported by GaussView. Ctrl-O
File=>Recent Files List of recently-opened files for easy reaccess.
File=>Related Files List of files related to the current molecule (e.g., input file, log file, checkpoint file, etc.)
File=>Refresh Reload current file in active View window.
i_save.tif Save File=>Save Save molecule(s) in the active molecule group to file(s). Ctrl-S
File=>Save Save any temporary files associated with Gaussian Quick Launch jobs.
i_print.tif Print File=>Print Print the contents of the active View window. Ctrl-P
i_image.tif Save Image File=>Save
Image File
Produce a graphics file of current View window.
i_movie.tif Save Movie File=>Save Movie Save movie file, movie frame files, or both (selected via submenu).
i_prefs.tif Preferences File=>Preferences Specify defaults for aspects of GaussView’s behavior.
File=>Exit Close all GaussView windows and exit application.

Undo Edit=>Undo Reverse the previous editing action and maintain a list of all previous actions for potential Redo. Ctrl-Z
i_redo.tif Redo Edit=>Redo Reverse the previous Undo operation. Ctrl-Y
i_cut.tif Cut Edit=>Cut Cut the current selection to clipboard. Ctrl-X
i_copy.tif Copy Edit=>Copy Copy the current selection to clipboard. Ctrl-C
i_paste.tif Paste Edit=>Paste Copy clipboard contents to the current model (per submenu selection).
to Molecule Group
Add the molecule on the clipboard as a new model within the current model group. Ctrl-V
Replace Molecule
Replace current molecule with clipboard contents.
Append Molecule
Add molecule on the clipboard to the current model as a separate fragment
i_delmol.tif Delete Edit=>Delete Remove the current selection. Ctrl-Shift-V
Edit=>Image Capture Copy the contents of the active View window to the clipboard. Ctrl-I
i_atomlist.tif Atom List
Edit=>Atom List Edit the molecule’s numerical coordinates and parameters in a spreadsheet-like dialog.
i_redcoord.tif Redundant
Coord. Editor
Specify redundant internal coordinates for the Gaussian
ModRedundant option.
i_conned.tif Connection
Specify corresponding atoms in two related molecular
structures (e.g., for Opt=QST2 or QST3 input).
i_layers.tif Select Layer Edit=>Select Layer Assign atoms to layers graphically for ONIOM calculations.
Edit=>Atom Groups Open the Atom Group Editor, useful for defining fragments, ONIOM layers, frozen atoms and other atom groupings.
Open the Atom Selection Editor, enabling you to perform advanced selection operations.
Edit=>PDB Residues Open the PDB Residue Editor which enables operations based on residues as defined in the originating PDB file.
Secondary Structures
Open the PDB Secondary Structure Editor which enables operations based on PDB file secondary structures (e.g., chains and helixes).
Point Group
Specify/impose symmetry on the current model.
i_pbc.tif Crystal Editor Edit=>PBC Create and modify unit cells for periodic structures.
i_mo.tif MO Editor Edit=>MOs View, reorder and modify occupancy for molecular orbitals.
i_symmetrize.tif Symmetrize Edit=>Symmetrize Apply point group symmetry to the current model.
Edit=>Reorient Restore canonical molecule orientation.
i_rebond.tif Rebond Edit=>Rebond Recompute the bound atoms, identifying bonded
atoms based on a distance algorithm.
i_clean.tif Clean Edit=>Clean Adjust molecular geometry according to a set of rules designed to match chemical intuition.
Edit=>Mirror Invert Invert the molecule around the selected atom.
i_addview.tif Add View View=>Add View Create a new View window, with an independently
adjustable view of the current molecule.
i_center.tif Center View=>Center Center molecule in the View window (adjusts size).
View=>Builder Close or reopen the standalone Builder palette.
View=>Hydrogens Control the display of hydrogens in View window.
View=>Dummies Control the display of dummy atoms in View window.
View=>Labels If selected, label each atom with its serial number (reflecting its sequence in the list of atoms).
View=>Symbols If selected, display the chemical symbol for each atom.
View=>Bonds Control the display of bonds in the View window.
View=>Synchronize Link views to synchronize mouse-based manipulations.
Control the display of X,Y,Z axes in the View window.
Indicate molecule’s stereochemistry by labeling relevant atoms as R or S.
Display the molecule positioning tools icons in the View window toolbar.
i_display.tif Display Format View=>
Display Format
Specify the display format for molecules and surfaces. Ctrl-D
i_gcalc.tif Calculation Calculate=>
Gaussian Calculation
Set up Gaussian input for the molecular structure in the current view winodw and optionally run the job. Ctrl-G
i_gquick.tif Quick Launch Calculate=>
Gauss. Quick Launch
Run a Gaussian job for the current molecule, bypassing the Gaussian Calculation Setup dialog.
i_gscheme.tif Schemes Calculate=>
Gauss. Calc. Scheme
Define and modify Gaussian calculation schemes.
i_jobs.tif Current Jobs Calculate=>
Current Jobs
Display currently running GaussView-initiated Gaussian jobs (including CubeGen and FreqChk). Ctrl-J
Provide summary data of the results of a Gaussian calculation (after a results file is opened).
Display partial charge density, as computed by various
Gaussian methods.
Create, load, save and display surfaces and contours.
Display calculated vibrational and other spectral data, including normal mode animation.
Results=>NMR Display calculated NMR spectra.
Results=>UV-VIS Display predicted UV/Visible spectra.
Results=>Scan Display plots of potential energy surface scans.
Results=>IRC/Path Display plots of predicted IRC paths.
Results=>Trajectory Display trajectory plots from ADMP or BOMD calculations.
Display plots of geometry optimization results.
i_viewfile.tif View File Results=>View File Start an editor session for the log file for the current molecule.
i_stream.tif Stream Results=>Stream
Output File
Display output from a currently running Gaussian calculation continuously as it becomes available.
Groups=>Show All
Display/restore windows for all model groups.
Groups=>Show None
Hide windows for all model groups.
Display/restore windows for the specified model group
Minimize All
Minimize all view windows.
Raise active View window.
Restore All
Open all minimized view windows.
Windows=>Close Close the active View window.
Close All
Close all open view windows.
i_prev.tif Previous Windows=>Previous Activate the previous View window in sequence. PgUp
i_next.tif Next Windows=>Next Activate the next View window in sequence. PgDown
i_cascade.tif Cascade Windows=>Cascade Arrange all view windows in an overlapped pile.
i_tile.tif Tile Windows=>Tile Resize and rearrange view windows so that all are visible.
Windows=>name Make the specified View window the active one.
i_help.tif Help Help=>
GaussView Help
Open the GaussView help facility. Ctrl-H
Gaussian Help
Open the Gaussian website’s help section in the default browser.
If Internet access is not available, a local copy included within
the GaussView application tree is opened instead.
About GaussView
Display the GaussView copyright and version information.
GaussView Tips
Display GaussView tips.
i_element.tif Elements Open the Element Fragments palette.
i_ring.tif Rings Access a palette of ring structures.
i_group.tif R-Group Fragment Summon a palette of functional group fragments.
i_amino.tif Biological Fragments Summon a palette of amino acid and nucleoside fragments.
i_mollib.tif Custom Fragment Access a custom fragment library.
i_bond.tif Modify Bond Access Bond SmartSlide dialog after two atoms are selected.
i_angle.tif Modify Angle Access Angle SmartSlide dialog after three atoms are selected.
i_dihedral.tif Modify Dihedral Access Dihedral SmartSlide dialog after four atoms are selected.
i_inquire.tif Inquire Examine structural data for the current molecule.
i_addh.tif Add Valence Add an additional hydrogen to the selected atom.
i_delatom.tif Delete Atom Eliminate atoms and/or open valences (dangling half bonds).
i_invert.tif Invert About Atom Invert molecular structure about a selected atom.
i_pick_click.tif Select by Clicking Select atoms by clicking on them.
i_pick_marquee.tif Select by Marquee
Select atoms by clicking and dragging a marquee enclosing them.
i_select_none.tif Select None Deselect all currently selected atoms.
i_select_all.tif Select All Select all atoms.
Fragment Placement
  Open panel containing fragment placement options within
the control window.
Icons found in the Active Model View window:
i_animate.tif Animate Display all models within the molecule group in succession.
i_stopani.tif Stop Animation Stop an animated display.
i_view1.tif Single View Display only one model within the molecule group.
i_viewn.tif Multi View Display all models within the molecule group.
Icons found in the five Fragment Palette windows:
i_tacked.tif Tacked Keep this palette open until explicitly closed (amodal operation).
i_notack.tif Untacked Close palette when a different one is opened (modal operation).
Icons related to various coordinate editing dialogs:
i_zmat.tif Z-matrix Coordinates Display Z-matrix coordinates.
i_cc.tif Cartesian Coordinates Display Cartesian coordinates.
i_frac.tif Fractional Coordinates Display fractional coordinates for periodic systems.
i_oniom.tif ONIOM Layers Display ONIOM layer assignments and related data.
i_mm.tif MM Parameters Display Molecular Mechanics atoms types and other data.
i_pdb.tif PDB Info Display residue and chain assignments from a PDB file.
i_show_mass.tif Isotope Masses Display column(s) containing isotopes mass(es).
i_addcoord.tif Create a New Coordinate Add a new redundant coordinate in the Redundant Coordinate Editor.
i_up.tif Sort Ascending   Sort rows in ascending order in the Atom List Editor.
i_down.tif Sort Descending   Sort rows in descending order in the Atom List Editor.
General icons used many places within GaussView:
i_up.tif Move Up   Move the selected item up in a list.
i_down.tif Move Down   Move the selected item down in a list.
i_sublist_1.tif Add Selected Add the selected item to a list.
i_sublist_2.tif Add All Add all items to a list.
i_sublist_3.tif Remove Selected Remove the selected item from a list.
i_sublist_4.tif Remove all Remove all items from a list.