
The newzmat utility was designed primarily for converting molecule specifications between a variety of standard formats. It can also perform many related functions, such as extracting molecule specifications from Gaussian checkpoint files. Its full set of capabilities includes the following:


newzmat has the following general syntax:

newzmat option(s) input-file output-file

where option(s) is one or more options, specifying the desired operations, input-file is the file containing the structure to be converted (or retrieved), and output-file is the file in which to place the new molecule specification (or Gaussian input).

If the output filename is omitted, it is given the same base name as the input file, along with a conventional extension denoting its file type. In general, extensions can be omitted from file specifications provided that extension conventions are followed. The default extensions are listed in the following table:

Extension     Description    Option Form
.bgf     Biograf internal data file    bgf
.cac     CaChe molecule file    cache
.chk     Gaussian 09 checkpoint file    chk
.com     Gaussian input file (Z-matrix mol. spec.)    zmat
.com     Gaussian input file (Cart. coords. mol. spec.)    cart
.con     QUIPU system data file    con
.dat     Model/XModel/MM2 data file    model
.dat     MacroModel data file (may be formatted or unformatted)    mmodel, ummodel
.ent     Brookhaven data file (≡PDB)    ent
.com     Fractional coords. for crystal structures (requires exactly 3 trans. ops.)    fract
.inp     MOPAC input file    mopac
.pdb     Protein Data Bank format (≡Brookhaven)    pdb
.ppp     Some PPP program (output only)    ppp
.xyz     Unadorned Cartesian coordinates    xyz
.zin     Ancient version of ZIndo    zindo


The options specifying the formats of the input and output molecule specifications are formed from the string -i or -o (respectively), followed immediately by the appropriate option form string from the preceding table corresponding to the desired molecule specification format (no spaces intervene). For example, -ipdb indicates that the input molecule specification is in PDB format and that the extension .pdb should be applied to the input filename if no extension is specified. Similarly, -oxyz specifies an output format of Cartesian coordinates along with a default extension of .xyz for the output filename. The default input and output options are -izmat and -ozmat. Note that -izmat and -icart are synonyms, and either one of them can read a Gaussian input file containing any molecule specification format: Z-matrix, Cartesian coordinates, or mixed internal and Cartesian coordinates.


The following options further specify the input for newzmat:

-step N
Use the structure from step N of the geometry optimization data in a Gaussian 09 checkpoint file (valid only for the -ichk input option).

This option is not available for optimizations in redundant internal coordinates (the default coordinate system). Instead, retrieve the structure from the checkpoint file in a subsequent job by using a route section containing Geom=(Check,Step=N).

Input distances in input file are specified in Bohr (the default is Angstroms).

Input angles in input stream are specified in radians (the default is degrees).

The following options further specify the output file format:

Use macromodel format 1 (only valid with -ommodel).

Use macromodel format 2 (this is default if -ommodel is specified).

Prompt for which parameters should be optimized; used when setting up a molecule specification destined for a geometry optimization and -ozmat is specified (or no output option is included). By default, all parameters not fixed by symmetry are optimized.

Prompt for route section and title section lines and for the charge and multiplicity when using -ozmat (or no output option is specified). Gaussian input files produced by newzmat set up HF/6-31G(d) single point energy calculations by default.


The following command reads the molecule specification from the PDB file water.pdb and writes a Gaussian input file, including the equivalent Z-matrix, to the file

$ newzmat -ipdb water h2o        -ozmat is the default, so it can be omitted.
 Charge and multiplicity [0,1]?  A return accepts the default values shown.

newzmat prompts for the charge and multiplicity for the Z-matrix since these items cannot be determined from the PDB file.

The following command reads the molecule specification from the Gaussian 09 checkpoint file job-11234.chk and writes the PDB file propell.pdb:

$ newzmat -ichk -opdb job-11234 propell

The following command reads the molecule specification from step 5 of the optimization from the checkpoint file newopt.chk and produces the Mopac file step5.inp:

$ newzmat -ichk -omopac -step 5 newopt step5

The following command reads the molecule specification from the Mopac file newsalt.inp and writes a Gaussian input file including the equivalent Z-matrix to the file, prompting for the route and title sections and the charge and spin multiplicity for the molecule:

$ newzmat -imopac -prompt newsalt
Percent or Route card? # B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) Opt 
Route card?                        End route section with a blank line.
Titles? Optimization of caffeine at B3LYP/6-31G**
Titles?                            End title section with a blank line.
Charge and Multiplicity? 0,1


In order to communicate with a non-supported visualization system, the first choice of format to try is the PDB file. This format includes the connectivity information and is widely supported. Note that some software packages use the .ent extension, rather than .pdb; the -ient and -oent options select the former, while -ipdb and -opdb select the latter. Another commonly used alternative is the Mopac file format.


The other options to newzmat are concerned with generating connectivity information, with the use of standard geometrical parameters, and with the determination and use of molecular symmetry. A complete connectivity table can be used to generate Z-matrix specifications suitable for inclusion of symmetry constraints. Such a table is also required for output of the data files for the molecular mechanics programs. If one of the input formats which includes full connectivity is used (e.g., MacroModel data files), the connectivity that it provides is used.

However, when Z-matrix or MOPAC format input is provided, only the connectivity information which is implied by the internal coordinate specification is available. Thus if a new Z-matrix which incorporates the molecular symmetry is to be generated, the remaining connectivity information must be generated. When Cartesian coordinates are read in, naturally, no connectivity information is provided, so the default is to generate the table using the internally stored atomic radii. In addition, when used to generate input structures, the mechanics programs may not generate suitable bond distances and often produce coordinates which are close to but not exactly symmetric. Options control how each of these cases is handled.

In generating new connectivity information, assume all atoms are bonded.

Use standard model B bond lengths along with internal values in determining bond distances.

-density N
Generate natural orbitals for density number N. This option is only useful if you are generating a CaChe file. N should be set to 0 for HF, to 2 for MP2, to 6 for CI, and to 7 for QCISD or CCD.

Fudge bond distances to make sure they are reasonable, using internal values. This is the default for model input and is not applicable elsewhere.

Generate connectivity information using internal radii.

Insist on filename specifications for all arguments, making standard input and output unacceptable.

Use loose cutoffs for determining symmetry. This option implies -symav.

-mdensity M
Subtract generalized density M from that specified with -density to make a difference density, which is then converted to natural orbitals.

Do not fudge bond distances. This is the default and only choice for all cases except model input.

Cancels -getfile.

Turns off rounding of Z-matrix parameters.

Turns off averaging of input coordinates.

Turns off all use of symmetry.

Keeps the order of atoms as close as possible to the input order.

Rounds Z-matrix parameters to 0.01 Å and 1 degree.

Average input coordinates using approximate symmetry operations to achieve exact symmetry.

Assign molecular symmetry.

Use tight cutoffs for determining symmetry. The option is the default.

Build a new Z-matrix rather than using the read-in one (as would be the default for Z-matrix or MOPAC input). This option implies -gencon, and the option may be abbreviated as -redoz.


Last updated on: 10 May 2009